
Event System for Unity 3D

Status: Released as Open Source on GitHub

I love Event Driven Architectures (EDA). It makes for nice, decoupled code. But I am not a fan of how ambiguous the relationships between scripts can be. Enter Tranzmit, a fully functional, object based (send anything!) event system… with a twist!

V1 Debug is leveraging the Unity GraphView API, along with the power of Odin Inspector, you can also see in real time which scripts are sending events, and which scripts are listening, receiving ...and failing! Clicking on graph elements takes you to the scripts, acting as a navigation system for your code!

V2 Debug uses the Unity UI API for compiled runtime visualization and feedback. It has filtering options and controls for the new Debug V2 tool.

You can download it now over at GitHub, including a package that includes a demo scene that incorporates all aspects of Tranzmit.


  • Multi level error checking / handling

  • Multiple real time logging and visual feedback tools

  • Various code examples

  • Send any object

  • Minimal coding required

  • Clean Interface powered by Odin Inspector

  • Multi platform

  • Zero Garbage Collection when ran as compiled EXE


  • Unity3D


  • None Reported


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